15 Benefits of lemon

15 Benefits of lemon
Lemon is rich in Vitamin C, which prevents antiseptic and cold sores, and these elements prevent the tonsils from the lemon.

Lemon Vitamin C also prevents cell formation of cells.

Benefits of lemon
Benefits of lemon
Lemon helps to prevent irritation and to cure ulcers.
Lemon arthritis is good for patients.
Lemon destroys harmful bacteria in the body.
Lemon antioxidant So, as well as increasing the beauty of the skin, the skin is kept clean, it removes the disharmony. The skin prevents aging. Reduction of wrinkles and skin folds.
Lemon helps reduce weight.
Lemon removes digestion and digestive problems.
Removes constipation.
Removes inner toxin from the body, keeps the internal and liver and the whole body clean.
Reduces stomach swelling problems
Blood purifies.
Feeling cold, working as a good medicine in the throat.
Breathing, asthma works well.
Helps to cure air and throat infections.

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