
जुलाई 6, 2023 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

benefits of Tulsi

 Tulsi, otherwise called heavenly basil, is a famous spice in Ayurveda and has different purposes and advantages. This is the way you can utilize tulsi: 1. Consuming Tulsi Leaves:    - New Tulsi leaves can be eaten crude or added to plates of mixed greens, sandwiches, or different dishes for a new and sweet-smelling flavor.    - You can likewise make tulsi tea by soaking a couple tulsi leaves in steaming hot water for around 5 minutes. Strain and partake in the tea regardless of honey. 2. Tulsi Medicinal balm:    - Tulsi medicinal balm is gotten from the leaves and can be utilized topically or for fragrant healing purposes.    - Weaken a couple of drops of tulsi medicinal oil with a transporter oil (like coconut or jojoba oil) and apply it to the skin for a mitigating impact.    - Add a couple of drops of tulsi rejuvenating oil to a diffuser or vaporizer to make a quieting and inspiring climate. 3. Tulsi Powder:    - Tulsi leaves can be dried and ground into a powder, which can be util