chicken recipes


- Cock, medium one (or less than 1.5 kg)
- Coconut curry, a cup, which will take out the milk with a little hot water.
- Onion bowl, 1/2 cup
- Gingerbread, 1 teaspoon
- Garlic paste, 1 teaspoon
- Chilli chapati, 1 teaspoon, a little more than a little sour
- Coriander, 1 teaspoon
- Cardamom, 3/4
- Cinnamon, 4/5 pieces, inches
- Talk yogurt, 1/2 cup
- Raw pepper, a few
- Salt, like quantity, must first be started with less
- Oil is better than a half cup, less than a half cup, cooking less oil

  •  Wash and clean the cock.
  •  garnish spices.
  •  Mix well with all the spices mentioned above with cooking oil, salt, and keep it for a while (All except coconut milk)
  •  Put some berries on the palm.
  •  Now on the cooking stove. The fire will be low.
  •  give milk to coconut if it becomes soft.
  •  Burn the fire, keep stirring occasionally.
  •  give some chili peppers. See the finely salted taste, please.
  •  Sprinkle the  Berestha above. Ready to serve.

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