Duck chili recipe


  •  Duck breast 4,
    duck chili recipe
    duck chili recipe
  •  Flour 2 tablespoons,
  •  Pepper powder 3 teaspoons, 
  •  Salt quantity and oil for frying,

 To make the garnish

  •  Lalmurich 1,
  •  Spring onion 3,
  •  Lemon 2,
  •  Peppercorn 2 tablespoons.

 For making the dip:

  •  Rice vinegar half cup,
  •  Sugar half cup or 2 tablespoons, 
  •  Garlic kochi 3 kwa,
  •  Dry 1 tablespoon of pepper powder, 
  •  Corn starch and a half tablespoon.


Put Duck breast in the hit proof plate. Insert this plate inside the steamer. Put this steamer on top after boiling water in a big saucepan. Dump breast 12 minutes to cover the breast. Mix flour, chilli powder and salt in other containers. Let down the plate from the steamer to be cold. Heat oil in the pan. Deep Breast Deep Fries. Mix well in the glass bowl with rice vinegar, sugar, water, garlic and dried chilli powder. Exhale this mixture. Combine corn starch to reduce ignition. When it is darkened, pour the sauce down from the ignition. Serve the Duck breast with chilli, Spring onion spread out with sauce.

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