Vastu Tip for Home

Vastu Tip for Home

1. The home ought not to be before the tree, the water tank, the well and the tap, and so on. This prevents the landing of positive vitality in the house. It is inauspicious to see these things before the house since it is trusted that youngsters can be at risk from those spots. Youngsters like to play around these things.

2. In a resting room, game plans ought to be made so that as you rest, 'walk north' and 'head south' in one course.

3. Try not to keep refuse, rubbish, broken things on the top of the house. Continuously keep the top of the house clean.

4. In the event that there is no organic product tree (for instance, banana, papaya or pomegranate) before the house, don't give it a chance to dry.

5. The trees that are drying before the house or that don't prove to be fruitful, this can make issues of barrenness ladies individuals from the house. Planting a tree in blossom before Maken is favorable.

6. The part of brilliance is viewed as ominous while dozing, so bedding ought not to keep the mirror the manner in which it looks.

7. Shoes and shoes ought to be kept specifically at home. Shoes and modified shoes are viewed as foreboding.

8. Shoes and shoes ought not to be put away around the sanctuary and the kitchen. This can prompt wellbeing related issues and is additionally viewed as sad.

9. The compass ought not to be kept close to the sanctuary and the kitchen.

10. In space to rest, protecting them in the southwest course is viewed as favorable. Good karma originates from this. The spot between

11. house is considered as brahmastha, so dependably keep this spot vacant and clear. In excess of 50 houses, the porch is viewed as the center point. In the house, one should utilize the Mahabharata, the crematorium, the graveyard, the skin of dead creatures, no related salmon or a picture identified with the Taj Mahal. It is ominous and correspondence with them is negative vitality. You should have pictures of Ganesha, Lakshmi, Saraswati and Krishna in the house. Keep the kids' room in the

12. The house is favorable if the perusing room of the youngsters is extraordinary, so it is propitious to keep them in a southerly heading. A perusing room or statue of Ganesha or Saraswati must be in the perusing room. The shade of the dividers of the room ought to be clear and not be kept in the room. Continue perusing related materials. As indicated by

13. Vastu Shastra, the nourishment is viewed as favorable in the east and north course. The record ought not to be short or by any means.

10. Nourishment ought to eat as much as you can eat. Uncover the sustenance or toss to Annapurna is offended. This prompts the loss of cash and wellbeing. Never affront sustenance. As indicated by

14. Vastu Shastra, the feet ought not to be in favor of the entryway while resting. Try not to leave messy utensils during the evening.

15. Kitchen or kitchen. It is viewed as inauspicious. The kitchen utensil ought to dependably be cleaned around evening time. This prompts a positive correspondence of vitality in the house.

16. Can and restroom made southwest way. This will just profit the increase.

17. Continuously keep your archives or basic paper in the north course. This will give you a fast accomplishment at work. As per

Vastu Shastra, the spot of love in the house is viewed as propitious in the east and north course. On the off chance that the house is revered in the house, at that point venerate it consistently. This is the correspondence of positive vitality in the house.

18. In the house, it ought not to be in contact with the mass of the can divider Devasthan.

19. Keep the pre-north course of the house vacant. Try not to keep a substantial item here.

20. Keep overwhelming similarly in the southwest course of the house. Try not to introduce toilets in the north corner (upper east corner of the house). Continuously keep this spot perfect and sacred, since it is viewed as that individuals are the minds of Lord Shiva and Vaastu Dev.

21. The kitchen ought to be in the southeast. When you get ready sustenance, your mouth is towards the east. Since your face will be in favor of the shooting edge. This builds your karma. Give great thriving to your entire family.

22. At home, you can utilize the Vaastu apparatus to tackle issues, this gives vitality correspondence in the home and success in the home and family.

23. The house must have characteristic light and air. On the off chance that the main beam of sun ascends at home, at that point it is viewed as propitious and conveys satisfaction to the house. From this, positive vitality is transmitted in the heart.

24. A few grains and grains ought to be kept in a shaded territory around the house, which can be eaten by eating flying creatures and little creepy crawlies. It winds up prudent and bliss and flourishing returns home and family.

25. Bug catching networks in the house are viewed as negative. Continuously keep the house clean

26. Continue skiing

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