रूस ने घोषणा की कि यह 2040 तक चंद्र कॉलोनी स्थापित करेगा

By 2040, Russia will set up at the moon settlement, the Federal Space Agency declared.

As per the judges, and they ate, base on the moon is from a position of great authority will thrive in the need of the port.

After NASA's production was declared that he wanted to move America 'live' utilizing privately owned businesses to maintain the matter of America.

Russian space officials said that it will begin Roskosox war has three phases.

It will dispatch orbital station, the mission is to manufacture and after that incorporate a perpetual premise.

An organization representative said region; even the memory of them with a remarkable condition appropriate for building moon bases by means of satellite.

2040, to be actualized in the program for quite a while, even to the moon.

This declaration was made by the joint gathering, as indicated by the logical and specialized structure of Moscow and the Russian Academy of Sciences Roskoscos Space Council.

Singular assignment in about nine associations, especially little as the head of Lockheed Martin in Startup's little robot landers to pulverize nature and advancement of the moon.

Authorities of the moon are the program known as the national enthusiasm for the mission of the space that is realized.

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