delicious Malai tea

➤ Ingredients:

For the difference in shading, milk, tea leaves/packs of sugar, egg yolk, milk powder, milk, a scab, ear of corn grains.
 Malai tea
 Malai tea 


3 containers milk, tea leaves 4 tablespoons of spread and egg yolk 1½, harsh powder, milk, a scab the flavor of sugar, corn grains

The individuals who would prefer not to live itself to the egg and the utilization of the powers of the. In any case, it is basic that the new roll.

Strategy ➤;

Blend egg yolk and milk powder bread rolls or both consuming and keep the stove. On the off chance that the tea leaves of tea are great to consume.

A profound orange-darker shade of saffron I and granularity. Despite the fact that he won't Jafran There is no uncertainty of it; at the same time, on the off chance that they are of the benefit of the tea leaves, and after that abruptly there will come a lovely shading. I will search for it before thee, and are hued like that of bdellium will, by this the more vitality you need to eat, the more the business for you to eat.

Before sending a tea glass to give a smidgen of each Malai. Presently pour tea. Very little to flip once. The froth in such a procedure of the teacup loaded with leaves, the craft of the rooftop.

A little above him, to hold the distaff, and, a slim, at that point, I will spill out in the tea. There will be a white froth filled teacups as the lodging.
