Pavan-Muktasan yoga


The name of this seat is named after Pavan Muktasan

Read the rest and sit down. Hold the right leg and knock the knee and hold it with two hands and hold it with the right knee. Keep it in the condition of 20s to 30s. Then fold the hand loose and restore the right leg. Take the left leg and bring it on the left chest. And after that turn back the leg. Then bring the two Hamas together and hold on the chest. Make a habit of 3/4 times each. The breathing will be normal. During the first practice, thighs and knees do not take with the stomach and chest, but there is a thin soft pillow between the stomach and the thigh. Because the main purpose is to put pressure on the stomach with the thighs. After the habit, take rest in Shavasana.


Those who have air in their stomach must take their seat. If you practice this seat, you never get stomach disorders. Apart from this, the seat also eliminates all the diseases of the stomach, constipation, acid, etc., stimulates eczema, keeps the stomach, abdominal and hip gums and muscles strong and active. The stomach and slum help reduce body fat by making the body look fine and beautiful.
The seat keeps the pancreatic glands strong and active. As a result, diabetic diseases cannot be.

Those who have excessive air in their abdomen, those who have spleen, liver or abnormal heart disease, until they are cured, it is advisable to carefully make the seat as easy as possible. There should not be any pressure on the abdomen to force excessive pressure.

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