TRAVEL IN Digha Sea Beach

It is difficult to find Bengali people who did not spend a little time on Digha beach. Light water to the people of Kolkata has become rice. There is no house in the house, or a great opportunity, where the Bengalis do not go much, where do they come and go. New Girlfriend? And a day was found in the hands, let's move around. The day has been called, and after three days of leave has been found, we have come and gone. I have not been sitting with friends for a long time, my body has not been sitting for several days, I have come to the door. Calcutta and its adjacent areas got Bengali, Weekend and Eight Digha. Actually, there was not so much rush of tourists due to which the Digha was a lonely sea beach. It would also have been good to roam in Shaban, to seduce dear people to the sea. Now it is so crowded that the lighthouse is becoming increasingly allergic. Even the attraction of Digha did not diminish in the last three decades, but it is increasing day by day, the deeper the love and attraction
Digha Sea Beach
Digha Sea Beach

For two people who have not been fortunate enough to do so, this is just one of two things. Digha is a popular tourist spot in West Bengal. For the past several years, Digha has increased the pressure of tourists so that only 2 km away from Digha is known as "New Digha" or more known as "New Digha". Let's turn the page of the history of a little bit down. If I do not have a little history, I do not digest meals. However, then British fate of Bengal and British governor General Warren Hastings. He is the inventor of today's lighthouse. However, the name Digha was not Digha. In the Bengal Gazette of 1780, a village named Birakul was found that belongs to the Midnapore district. Where the present day is located. No matter how much Warren Hastings is its inventor, today's Digha, which is the biggest contributor to Digha, is the former Chief Minister of West Bengal, Shri Bidhan Chandra Roy, Sir. It is, however, the fact that after the independence of India in 1947,

Truly speaking, there has been a lot of improvement in the direction of tourism. As a result, the people of the country have increased their lives, the days of enjoying solitude in peace have gone. So there is no word of off-signal here. Here is a whole year of signal, sometimes the first part of the week is a little empty. At that time you can get some peace and the hotel will also get cheap. Yet, from Old Digha to New Delhi, peace from many sides. So try to take the hotel to New Delhi.

What to look for: -
A) Marine Acirum and Research Center
The Marine Acquire and Research Center (MARC) is a must-see place. It was officially inaugurated on 4 July 2004. Here is the largest marine activity in the country. There are 24 large tank tanks and 8 clean water tanks. There are many types of marine animals.

B) Shiva temple
Only 8 km away from Digha is a century old Shiva temple. It is located in the borders of Bengal and Orissa. Surely a place of sight, but most of the people who go to the mountains go to a different mentality, so that the morning vision of Lord Shiva may be seen in the early morning. I hope I can point out what I'm pointing at. Even if you have a desire or you suddenly become righteous then you will not feel bad if you wander around.

C) Udaipur beach
If you want a little peace from the Digha crowd, then get out of Udaipur beach. The quiet sandy beach and the side of the huge Jabon If the sun is angry then you can take a little away from the shade of Zhao. Not too far from Digha. You will get a car, you can get the motor ride and the rent is too low.

What you can do: -

Shopping - Digha, but there are many types of jewelry made of handicrafts and mussels. That's the price, but the city is too much. You do not have to be happy if you have to bargain, otherwise, you will have the possibility of going to the wrong. The best places to shop are Old-Digha and there are many markets. There are bottled markets, moment market, Nehru market, and a few other small markets. Along with this, almonds are available, but not very cheap, but in Calcutta, there is a lot of good work from this. Now let's take a little free knowledge, that is, knowledge about free buying. There is a free selling movement in India's rough sea beaches, but Digha is not an exception. Be careful, take a good look before buying it and check whether it is real or not.

Water Sports - Nowadays Water Sports has been running quite well at Digha beach. There are various types of water sports equipment. Keep in mind that beforehand you can hire the equipment. It is 23 km from Digha. You can feel free from the beach, football, cricket, volley, even kabaddi will not be bad. And there are some sickened horses, it will be very good to spend a little while on the floor.

Others - have long been able to bathe in the ocean by bathing in the ocean, or on the sand, it is the desire to cook hot fish with a little water. It has a great opportunity here too. 2 km away in the mouth, there are large fish markets. Much marine fish in the cheap match. Buy and buy, Old-law, there is a chance to cook. Fishermen can also be seen on the beach in the morning, fish can also buy from them. Besides, fresh palm juice is available in the morning, you can eat a little. Because it is difficult to find these sneakers in the city. Now there is a rip-away, it can not get hurt, it is not necessary to travel in the sky. 

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