The Tiger, the Brahmin, and the Jackal story (kids story)

The Tiger, the Brahmin, and the Jackal

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, lived a tiger, a brahmin, and a jackal. The tiger was the king of the forest, and the brahmin and the jackal were his loyal friends. One day, as the tiger was hungry, he asked the brahmin to find him some food. The brahmin agreed and went on a search. He found a herd of deer and decided to bring one back for the tiger. The brahmin and the jackal brought the deer to the tiger, who was delighted and thanked his friends for their help.

What did the brahmin bring for the tiger?

A) A snake

B) A bird

C) A deer

D) A rabbit

The tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal became good friends and went on many adventures together. One day, they came across a village where a poor man was crying because he had lost his cow. The tiger, being the king and responsible, asked his friends to help. The brahmin and the jackal agreed and searched for the lost cow. They found it in a nearby field and brought it back to the poor man. The man was overjoyed and thanked the tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal for their kindness.

Who found the lost cow?

A) The tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal

B) Only the tiger

C) Only the brahmin

D) Only the jackal

As time went by, the tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal realized that they had a duty to protect the forest and its creatures. They saw some hunters setting traps to catch animals, which made them sad. The tiger, being responsible, asked the brahmin and the jackal to help free the trapped animals. Together, they succeeded in setting all the animals free and scared away the hunters. The forest was safe again, and the tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal felt a sense of pride and responsibility for their actions.

Why did the tiger ask for help?

A) To find more food

B) To become famous

C) To set the animals free

D) To catch the hunters

One day, the tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal encountered a big forest fire. They were worried about the animals and decided to take responsibility for their safety. The tiger asked the brahmin and the jackal to gather all the animals and guide them to a safe place. They led the animals to a river, where they were protected from the fire. The tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal stayed with them until the fire was extinguished. The animals were grateful to their brave and responsible friends.

Where did the tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal guide the animals?

A) To a hill

B) To a river

C) To a tree

D) To a cave

After their many adventures, the tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal realized that being responsible meant helping others and taking care of nature. They vowed to always be responsible and protect their friends and the forest. They became known as the guardians of the forest and lived happily ever after.

What did the tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal become?

A) Kings of the forest

B) Hunters of the forest

C) Guardians of the forest

D) Explorers of the forest

Reflection Questions 💡

How can you be responsible like the tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal?

What did the tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal help the poor man find?

Why did the tiger, the brahmin, and the jackal become known as the guardians of the forest?

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