
जुलाई 17, 2023 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

sneaky stone kids story

  Once upon a time, in a colorful forest filled with playful animals, there was a sneaky stone. Who lived in the colorful forest? A) Sneaky stones B) Magical fairies C) Friendly people D) Playful animals The sneaky stone loved to play tricks on others. It would hide behind trees and make funny noises to scare the animals. What did the sneaky stone like to do? A) Sing beautiful songs B) Play tricks on others C) Help the animals D) Collect shiny rocks One day, the sneaky stone met a confident bunny named Bella. Bella was known for her bravery and quick thinking. Who did the sneaky stone meet? A) Brave lion named Leo B) Clever fox named Max C) Shy squirrel named Lily D) Confident bunny named Bella Bella was not afraid of the sneaky stone's tricks. Instead, she stood tall and looked the stone in the eye. How did Bella react to the sneaky stone's tricks? A) She stood tall B) She cried C) She hid D) She ran away The sneaky stone couldn't believe its eyes. It had never met someone