Purna-Ushtrasana yoga


First, sit in the stomach of Urtasan. Hold the hands from the ankle to the feet of the feet. Place the elbows broken into the ground and lower the head and place it in the middle of your hands. Keep the bronchus on the feet of the head. The breathing will be normal and stay in the range of 20s to 30s. Then slowly on the palm of the hand and slowly sit on the knees and rest. Make the seat 2/3 times and relax if necessary.

All the qualities of Urtasan are present in this seat and there are better and faster results. At the time of the practice, there is a lot of pressure in the middle of the body because it is a very good exercise in a short time. Especially the cage of the chest can not have faults and cramps.
With this seat, if there is habitat or rabbit habit, rheumatism, sciatica, slipped disc, lumbar spondylosis can never be a national disease.

Urtasan is similar. Until the disease is healing, those who have a weak heart or lungs should not sit for them.

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