Ushtrasana yoga

Vistrasson |

This seat is called Ushtrasana because the middle part of the body looks like a lot of camels in the seat.
Break the knee and put the feet on the knees and keep the spine straight. From the feet of the feet to the knee, the lower part of the foot will cling to the ground. Now hold two hands with two hands on the ankle or ankle. Now the chest and abdomen will be as hard as possible to bend at the top and back of the head. The breathing will be normal. Stay in the condition of 20 to 30s. Then stand on the knees slowly and slowly restrain your hands and body. In this way, do the seat 2/3 times and take rest as you need.

The seat is necessary for those who are curved in front of the spine and those who are tired or unsteady in their age. This seat is particularly flexible and strong in the spinal cord. The muscles of the chest and rib bones increase the bone. Spinal nerves and spinal cord muscles are fresh and active. Increase the performance of the heart and lungs. Thyroid, parathyroids, and tonsil glands are also healthy and active. Stomach, waist, and buttocks are also very good exercises. If you practice the seat, it can not be easily cured of any stomach or disease. The body-body heat enhances the heat and makes the body fat by reducing unnecessary fat in the middle of the body.

As the seat is under heavy pressure on the chest, the heart or the lungs are weak and the seats should not be taken for them until the disease is healing.

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