Westinganan yoga

Westerners (b)

Sit straight and spread legs in front of the Western like (a). Exception only, lower the upper part of the body from the waist and keep the body on the knees where the spine will wither through the head. Now you have to keep the two-legged ankle with the hand and hold the two-finger thumb with the other hand. Do not break the knee fold, the legs will hang on the floor and the breathing will be normal. Stay in that condition from 20 to 30s. Then lengthen your hands and sit down slowly. Thus, turn the seat from 4 to 6 times by turning the body to the right and left.

Similar to Westerns (A). There is also a very good exercise of the muscles and nerves of the neck, throat, shoulders, chest, waist, back, spine and spine, as the body is twisted in the upper part.

Prohibitions and Warnings:
Similar to Westerns (A).

 Split-Westerns (Bibhakta-Paschimottanasana)

Stand up straight. Put your hands on both sides. Scrub the feet and rub it on both sides. Now, leaning towards the front, give two fingers to the two hands with the two hands and look at the front of the chin on the floor. The breathing will be normal. Stay in that condition from 20 to 30s. Then stand straight and take your breath off and take it. Practice the seat 3/4 times and take rest as you need.

The seats are better at all parts of the body. Especially elongation of the thighs increases elasticity.
Apart from these, there are a few other different posthumous Westerners. Such as:

Upper-face Westerns (Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana)

Upper-face Westerns
Upper-face Westerns
 Bold-Padma Paschimatanasana (Baddha-Padma Paschimottanasana)

Standing split westing (Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Paschimottanasana)

Standing split westing
Standing split westing 
Go-face Westinganan
Go-face Westinganan 

Go-face Westinganan (Gumukha Paschimottanasana)

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