
जून 5, 2019 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Travel the unknown India

Red road. Jungle beside the road Just green People walk on long periods of time. But he may not be talking to you. Someone's on a motorcycle. Someone on the bicycle Someone is picking up the woods in your mind. The blue color of the sky and the golden light of the sun burns down on the green leaf. The car is going to blow red dust. The smell of dust is unknowable. But there are addicts in it. The rice fields have been cut. The roots are in the field. Slowly lying down on each other after eating swiftly. I think people are saying something hidden behind. travel the unknown India At night, the big leaves of banana trees are twisted like heads. A light glance away. Some people have got accumulated. As soon as the juice is collected, it is stored in the scum. I went ahead. One-leg, two-foot Local chicken is being cut. The sight of all who are standing on the chicken side. When the store was empty, I asked the shopkeeper, what were so many people doing here? He said, "People